The CourSpire Way
Your Journey To Wholeness

Coming Back Home To Ourselves
This is the ultimate goal, purpose and mission behind NeuroArkitect, and embodies what I've felt inspired to call the CourSpire Way.
Bringing you back home to yourself.
Cour- From the latin "cor-," which means "heart."
Spire- From the latin "spir-" meaning to "breathe," or "to have longing for." This here is the root for words like respiration, inspiration, the very word spirit itself, always connected to the breath.
Through the breath, we connect to our heart, our core essence. Through all the work we do, we're ultimately reconnecting to, reclaiming, realizing our true selves. It's that longing for home, where home is truly found within.
The Process:
Balancing the physical body through movement, exercise, nutrition, and additional nutraceutical support i.e. herbs and supplements; calming inflammation in the system; regulating as well the gastrointestinal and endocrine systems
Balancing the mental and emotional bodies through work with the nervous system, neurotransmitter support, specific practices, and changes in lifestyle
Clearing as well any suppressed and repressed content and stored trauma through somatic practices.
In so doing, we create an environment and container that allows you to fully connect to yourself and then go even deeper into your personal practice.
Unencumbered, uninhibited, unfiltered.
When the body is brought into a more wholesome state, it calms the mind, grounds us, gives us energy, strength, resilience and flexibility.
When the mental and emotional bodies are more balanced, our thinking clears. We're calmer, more present, less reactive. We feel a greater sense of neurological safety. When we feel safe, we can address and release deep seated, deep rooted trauma and additional suppressed, repressed content.
Dysfunctional patterns of behavior and self sabotage begin to fall away. We start dropping the weight of the past, and all the ways we've learned to compensate for, numb, and distract ourselves from our pain.
The masks we learned to wear to protect ourselves, to make others happy at the expense of abandoning our selves, neglecting our own needs, time and time again so that we could "belong," so that we could "survive" - all of that starts to shed, revealing more completely who we truly are.
When stressed, when living with a traumatized system, all the resources in the brain are directed toward the reptilian part of the brain, and toward the limbic system, primarily responsible for our survival - fight, flight, freeze - and for generating emotions.
Resources that are redirected away from our neocortex, responsible for our higher executive functions, our ability to reason, to think critically, creatively, to control and regulate our impulses and emotions, where our capacity to feel empathy, to connect to others, to forgive, all reside.
You don't have to look far to see how much of our society is disconnected from this part of themselves (disconnected from them-selves altogether). The consequence of stress, trauma, fast paced living, and overwhelm.
To live a full life, and to connect fully with and embody our soul, we need ALL of who were are available to us. Our body. Our brain. Our gut. Our heart.
More grounded, centered, calm, and embodied, you have the means and support to go deeper in your practice to fully connect to your heart, your soul, your higher self, your guides and angels, to God, Source, the universe. To your path. Your purpose. Your individual expression.
Every journey will be different and unique, however, you will learn the tools and practices to fully connect with your personal internal guidance, your own intuition, and be able to show up fully, authentically, operating from a place of absolute truth, freedom and sovereignty.
There is, and only ever will be, one you.
This work will help fully bring that person out and allow their light, their full expression, their unique song, their unique note, to be sung and played in this grand drama we call life, in the uni-verse (the one-song).
That is what the world needs. The true you.